Step 1: Define an OvSynch Protocol
Before you can begin an OvSynch, you must first define at least one protocol. Follow the steps below to define a protocol and add it to your Dairy Protocols Dairy protocols include a series of treatments or tasks that follow a prescribed order and schedule. Protocols may be defined for reproduction purposes, to treat an illness, or for routine vaccinations.:
Open the Gallery to see if the OvSynch protocol you need is available. If it is, click Use Protocol to begin customizing it. If you need to define a completely custom OvSynch protocol, click Build Protocol to build it.
TIP: Using a protocol template from the Gallery as a starting point will save you time, as it includes the default enrollment criteria, as well as standard treatments according to the expected timeline. You can still customize the timing of treatments or make other adjustments if you'd like! - Set your protocol options and click Next to continue through the customization process.
- Protocol Information: Add a Protocol Name and select Reproduction as the Protocol Type.
Learn more about protocol types
- 1st Service Synchronization: Select this option if the protocol will be used for the initial synchronization before the first breeding.
- Other Synchronization: Select this option if the protocol will be used for breeding attempts other than the first synchronization.
IMPORTANT: Animals' previous OvSynch breedings are only evaluated for protocols set to automatically enroll. If your dairy uses manual enrollment, this setting is not enforced. See Step 2: OvSynch Enrollment & Scheduling to learn more about the different ways to enroll animals! - Enrollment Criteria: Add enrollment and disenrollment event details and select if the protocol is for cows or heifers.
Learn more about enrollment criteria
- Enrolling Event: OvSynch is selected by default.
- Secondary Events: If additional events qualify an animal for enrollment, add those events using the drop-down list. For example, if you're defining a new OvSynch protocol that will be used after the first OvSynch breeding, you may choose to use Open as a qualifying event. That would allow an animal that did not get pregnant during a previous breeding to qualify for enrollment.
- Availability: Select Cows or Heifers to specify which animals the protocol allows.
- Additional Criteria: Specify additional criteria that animals must meet to be added to the protocol automatically. For example, you may limit enrollment to cows that are at least 30 DIM
Days in milk and are either FRESH (RC=2
Reproductive code = 2 (FRESH). Used to identify animals that have recently given birth ("fresh").) or OK/OPEN (RC=3
Reproductive code = 3 (OK/OPEN). Used to identify animals that are eligible to breed. These could be fresh animals that were checked and declared ready to breed or a bred animal that was declared open.). To set that criteria, select DIM as the first Item, Greater Than as the Operator, and type 30 as the Value. Then set the RC
Reproductive code as the item, and select both FRESH and OK/OPEN.
If you set more than one criteria, only animals that meet all listed conditions are automatically enrolled. Manual enrollment allows you to override these settings.
- Protocol Details: Add or adjust the specific tasks for the protocol, including day/required treatment details. You can mark tasks as Required using the toggle
NOTE: Day 1 tasks occur on the day the animal is enrolled in the protocol. Required tasks cannot be Skipped when processing your Open Tasks list. - Summary: Use this screen to review your options. Click Back to make any necessary adjustments.
- Protocol Information: Add a Protocol Name and select Reproduction as the Protocol Type.
- Click Create to save the protocol to your Dairy Protocols page.
Proceed to Step 2: OvSynch Enrollment & Scheduling to begin enrolling animals.