OvSynch Event Instructions

This feature/option is available only for MyDC subscribers. DC Unlimited subscribers will not see it in PULSE because this functionality is controlled in on-premise DairyComp rather than in PULSE.
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The VAS PULSE Platform OvSynch protocols feature for MyDC dairies delivers a completely customizable and easily configurable method of managing your OvSynch protocols. Customize predefined protocols from the Protocols Gallery page, or build your own based on your dairy's needs. Once your protocols are defined, you can begin to enroll animals.
Once you have animals enrolled in a protocol, PULSE automatically generates worklists for OvSynch tasks on the days they're due, and your team can administer the shots and timed artificial insemination (AI artificial insemination) activities according to the plan. Use the mobile app or a browser to process your Open Tasks, or print your lists from the web for processing. Then manage progress from your Open Tasks list.

The term OvSynch is used as a generic term for reproduction protocols in this online help. There are multiple types of synchronization protocols you may use on your dairy:
- OvSynch: Hormone therapy that generally consists of a GnRH (gonadotropin releasing-hormone) injection, a PGF (prostaglandin F 2α) injection, a second GnRH injection, and timed AI. This series of injections leads to ovulation and, ideally, high conception rates. OvSynch protocols allow herd managers to optimize their artificial insemination programs and manage the timing of calvings and lactations for the herd.
- OvSynch with CIDR
Controlled internal drug release: CIDR devices are commonly used in cattle to synchronize estrus cycles for timed AI. This approach consists of a traditional OvSynch protocol, with the addition of a CIDR insert after the first GnRH injection. The insert is removed when the PGF shot is administered. Using CIDR as part of an OvSynch protocol may improve reproductive performance and pregnancy rates.
- Presynch + OvSynch: Two injections of PGF are administered before starting OvSynch.
- Double OvSynch: Same as a traditional OvSynch protocol, but for two cycles. The first cycle does not include timed AI.
- Resynch: Open animals following a failed OvSynch protocol are often given a GnRH injection and placed on another OvSynch.
See the topics below to learn more: