Step 2: OvSynch Enrollment & Scheduling
OvSynch enrollment can be handled manually or automatically depending on how your dairy prefers to manage the associated treatments and tasks:
- Manual enrollment offers more control and allows you to select specific animals to enroll in a protocol.
- Automatic enrollment streamlines the process and eliminates the selection process for enrolling animals. Animals that meet your defined criteria are automatically enrolled according to the schedule you set.
NOTE: The most efficient way to enroll or schedule animals for OvSynch protocols is from your Dairy Protocols page. However, if one or more animals were missed on the day of enrollment, you can also use the Animals List to add an OvSynch event and manually set the enrollment date.

- On the Dairy Protocols
Dairy protocols include a series of treatments or tasks that follow a prescribed order and schedule. Protocols may be defined for reproduction purposes, to treat an illness, or for routine vaccinations. page, click the Enroll Animals button for the protocol you'd like to use.
The protocol side panel opens and allows you to set your options.
Use the following guidelines to schedule the enrollment:If any animals currently qualify for enrollment, they are shown in the side panel.
NOTE: Your herd is evaluated at the date and time you select to start the enrollment, so animals that currently qualify may change before the scheduled enrollment occurs. For instance, you may have no animals that meet the enrollment criteria today, but then have several animals qualify by the date and time of the next scheduled enrollment.Click here to see what else you can do when scheduling animals!
- Click the > to view an animal's CowCard.
- View your scheduled OvSynch protocol enrollments in a calendar format, select Dairy > Process Scheduler from the Menu bar.
See Process Scheduler to learn more about scheduled processes for your dairy.

- On the Dairy Protocols page, click the Enroll Animals button for the protocol you'd like to use.
The protocol side panel is displayed with all qualifying animals, including a total count of animals that qualify.
- Select the day and time to start the protocol.
- Check the top box to include all qualifying animals, or check the boxes for individual animals to include.
- Click Enroll Now if you set the protocol to start today, or Enroll if the protocol is set to begin on a future date.

- Check the boxes for animals to enroll and click Add Event.
- Select the OVSYNCH event, event date (EDAY
Event day) and Protocol.
After you select a protocol, the calendar populates with the tasks associated with the protocol.
- Click Save.

- An OvSynch event is added to the animal's CowCard. If the animal was manually enrolled, the event date is set to today or the date you selected. If the protocol is scheduled to automatically enroll animals, the event date is for the next scheduled enrollment.
- If the manually enrolled protocol is scheduled to start today and has tasks on day 1, the animal is added to today's Open Tasks list. Scheduled enrollment tasks are added to Open Tasks on the day of the first treatment.
- The protocol enrollment is added to the Change Log.
Proceed to Step 3: Complete OvSynch Tasks after your animals are enrolled.