Manage Protocol Tasks

When animals are added to a protocol, they are prescribed treatments on specific days known as Protocol Tasks. You can manage outstanding protocol tasks for your herd from your Open Tasks list.

Follow the guidelines below when working with the Open Tasks list:

  1. View Tasks: Click Todo Tasks to view or process animals that have outstanding tasks, or click Done Tasks to view tasks that have been processed, or click Upcoming Tasks to view all tasks scheduled for the next 7 days.
  2. Print or Export the Task List: Click the green Export as CSV button at the top right of the page to save the data as a CSV file. Or, click Print to send your Open Tasks to the printer. If you applied filter(s), the data will print or export with the current filter(s) applied.
  3. Filter the List:
    • Type text in the Task Name field to search open task by name.Once text is typed, click the Clear Filter(s) option to clear the text typed.
    • Click Filters at the top left of the page to limit the data that is displayed Once a filter is applied, click the X on a specific filter to remove it. Or, click the Clear Filter(s) option to clear all filters.
  4. Process Tasks: You can process a task by marking it complete, by adding an event and marking it complete, by skipping it, or by removing it. Check one or more boxes next to the tasks on the left side of the page to process them. A blue bar is displayed above the table. Click Mark as Complete to complete the checked tasks.
  5. View Task Details: Click the task's Source to open a side panel and view its details.
  6. View Animal Details: Click on an animal's IDClosed Identifier in the table to open a side panel and view its details.