Build a Task List
Before you can start using your task lists, use Task Builder to generate a custom task list.
To build a task list from a web browser, select DairyComp/MyDC > Task Lists > Build Task List.
Follow the guidelines below to select your task list settings:
- Task Type: Select Vet or ToDo.
- Task List Name: Enter a name for your list.
- Task Name: If you created a ToDo task list, enter a name for the task itself. If you created a Vet task list, the system automatically sets the Task Name to VETC
Reason for vet check.
- Required: Check the box if the task is required.
- Select Events allowed (ToDo only): If you want to make event selection faster when you create a ToDo task list, you can limit the events that can be added to an animal upon task completion. Check the Select Events allowed box and select the events from the drop-down list.
- Click Next.
Follow the guidelines below to build your task list:
- Items list: Drag and drop items from the left column onto the fields on the right to build your list. Use the search field at the top of the items list to find items by name or description. For example, searching for "sire" finds all associated items in your dairy: LSIR
Last service sire, MGSIR, PSIRC
Previous lactation sire of conception, SIR1
1st choice mating sire, etc. Reorder the columns by dragging and dropping the item names
or click the x next to the item name to delete it.
- Task List Output: To add items you want to see in the list, drag and drop items from the items list on the left to the Task List Output field on the right.
- Filters: To set filters, drag and drop items from the items list into the Filters area, and then choose an Operator from the drop-down and set a Value for the operator.
- Sorting: To customize how items are sorted on your report, drag and drop items from the items list into the Sorting area, and then choose the sort order:
- A - Z: Ascending sort (low to high, earliest to latest)
- Z - A: Descending sort (high to low, latest to earliest)
- Click Save and Create to build your list.