Micro Technologies Cubex Inventory Widget Details
To add this widget to your Dashboard or Overview page, check the box for it under the Herd category in the Page Customization options.
To add this widget to a Dashboard or Overview Page, your user account must be assigned to a Role with Dashboard Management permissions. See Edit Dairy User Permissions and Manage Dairy Roles for more information.
The Micro Technologies Cubex Inventory widget includes key VAS animal events, such as diagnoses and treatment protocols, as well as drug supply and usage information from Cubex. View the example below for more information on the data shown in the widget.
Premise Tab: If your dairy has multiple Cubex instances installed, each site displays on its own tab with the Premise Alias name. For more information on editing the alias, see Premise Mapping. |
View: Choose to view widget data for the last 7 or 30 days. |
Drug Name: Medicine name from Cubex. |
Event: DairyComp 305 Event name. See Event Definitions for a complete list of Events for your dairy. |
Protocol: DairyComp 305 Protocol name. See Protocols for a complete list of Protocols for your dairy. |
Animals on Protocol: Total number of animals on the treatment protocol for the selected date range. |
New Cases: Total number of new cases diagnosed in the selected date range. |
Checked Out: Amount of medicine checked out from Cubex inventory. |
Total Given: Total amount of medicine used to treat animals recorded during DairyComp 305 event entry. |
In the Field: Amount of medicine checked out from inventory, minus the total given. |
Protocols Link: Follow this link to view Protocols for your dairy. |
Unmapped Medicines: If any medicines from the Cubex inventory are not mapped to a CowCare drug, a message displays here to notify you that a mapping is required. Click the link to access the Medicine Mapping page. |
Unit Conflict: A message displays here if unit of measurement conflicts are detected. This occurs if multiple Cubex medicines are mapped to a single CowCare medicine and the units of measurement do not match between the mapped Cubex drugs. For example, if one Cubex medicine is measured in milliliters and another is measured in grams, a conflict would result. When a unit conflict exists, the In the Field amount cannot be calculated, and the value displays as a dash (-).
How do I fix unit conflicts?
Click the link to access the Medicine Mapping page and make corrections. For example, if a Cubex drug was mapped to the wrong CowCare medicine, click the option to unmap it. Then, map it to the correct medicine. If the unit conflict is the result of mismatched medicine details in Cubex, correct the assigned units in the Cubex system. NOTE: The unit conflict message will continue to display until the selected view date range no longer includes mixed units. This means that if you corrected the units on a medicine 8 days ago, the conflict shows as resolved when viewing widget data for the last 7 days, but persists when viewing widget data for 30 days.