Manage Dairy Roles

This topic explains how to view and update dairy user roles.

You can find this feature under the Dairy menu. The Roles tab contains the following information:

  • All roles that are currently available for this dairy.
  • The number of permissions that are currently assigned to each role.
  • The number of users assigned to each role.
  • The status of each role (active/inactive).

Dairy roles are assigned to dairy users on the Users tab. See Edit Dairy User Permissions for detailed instructions. If you need to view company user roles, see View Company User Roles.

Follow the steps below to continue:

  1. On the Roles tab, expand the details of a role to view or update the specific permissions that are assigned to it.

    To learn more about permissions, see Default Roles and Permissions and Permission Descriptions.

  2. Click the Edit button to edit permissions for the role


    Click the Disable button to deactivate the role.

    NOTE: Be aware of ZoneClosed The term "Zone" represents different dairy locations. PULSE Zones may be different physical dairy locations (for example, multiple locations across the state or country) or different user-defined locations within a single dairy site (for example, Pens 1-100 are Zone 1, Pens 101-200 are Zone 2, etc.). "write" permissions as you are editing roles. The zone write icon is displayed for any permission level that requires zone selections. When you edit a permission level with this icon, you must also select which zones can be edited by users who are granted that permission.
  3. Click the Save button at the bottom right side of the page.