Cow Stats

The Cow Stats widget provides a snapshot view of the herd by current animal status: milking, fresh, dry, or hospital, as well as close-up pen information for cows and heifers. This widget is useful for quickly identifying animal counts and determining how many cows need to be transitioned to dry in preparation for calving.

Follow these guidelines when reviewing the data in this widget:

  • Color-coded areas contain milking cow (blue), hospital pen (red), dry cow (gray), and heifer (green) data.
  • View the Updated timestamp to determine the date and time of the last data sync with DairyComp. This data is updated on a daily basis.
  • The All Milking Cows total includes all To Tank and Hospital cows.

Milking Cow data includes the following: 

  • Fresh: Recently calved
  • Due Dry: Animals to be dried off prior to calving
  • To Tank: Animals contributing milk to tank
  • Hospital: Animals in the hospital pen

Dry Cow data includes the following: 

  • Close-Up: Animals in the close-up pen near calving
  • Far Off: All other dry animals not in the close-up pen

Heifer data includes the following: 

  • Close-Up Heifers: Heifers in the close-up pen near calving