Get Started! (v2)
The DC on Mobile app provides the most recent animal data while you are out with the herd or away from the dairy. When you launch the mobile app, it opens to the Home page.

Follow the steps below if you do not see the Home button at the bottom of your screen.
- Tap the Back arrow at the top left of the screen until you return to one of the main feature screens.
- From there, you'll find the feature buttons at the bottom of the screen.

As mentioned in other topics in the Get Started section, PULSE has two main components for viewing and managing dairy data—the web version of PULSE and the DC on Mobile app. While the web version and the mobile app share the same data, what you can do with each differs. See the topics below to learn more:

The web version of PULSE is available through a browser at from any desktop computer, laptop, or mobile device that has an active WiFi or data connection.
The primary purpose of the web version of PULSE is to monitor, manage, and analyze the status of your dairy. As such, it is typically used by dairy owners and mangers, herd and feed managers, and dairyconsultants.
PULSE brings together your most important feed, herd, parlor, and industry partner data into a single web-based platform, offering the following capabilities from any web browser:
- Easy access to your data in a single, web-based format
- Access to data such as animal records, lactation information, and milk production
- Dashboards so you can graph animal data to provide important insights
- Command line functionality to generate many of the same reports you do in DairyComp 305 (for DC Unlimiteddairies)
- Worklist and event status data

The mobile app is primarily used for work on the dairy. While the mobile app allows you to look up most of the same CowCard information that's in the web version of PULSE, you can also use the mobile app to scan animals, enter animal events (BRED, MOVE, etc.), process worklists, and enter embryo transfer events.
Unlike the web version of PULSE, the mobile app can be used both online or offline and has the ability to work with a paired Bluetooth device to make scanning and working with animals even easier.
With the functionality defined above, the mobile app is typically used while workers are outside the office or cow-side.

The main functions of the web version of PULSE and the mobile app are summarized below:
Function | Web Version of PULSE | DC on Mobile App |
View dairy and company dashboards |
ü | |
Search for an animal and view its CowCard |
ü | ü |
View historical lactation data on the CowCard (including all events, testdays, lactation totals, and pen changes) |
ü | |
Customize View Animal Details on CowCards |
ü |
View item definitions |
ü |
Utilize Industry Partners data/widgets |
ü |
Work with RFID scanners |
ü | |
Use Command Line to run common DairyComp 305 reports (DC Unlimiteddairies) |
ü | |
View and edit FeedWatch data ![]()
ü | |
View Parlors data |
ü | |
View pens list and pen details |
ü | |
Process worklists |
ü | |
View open worklists |
ü | ü |
Monitor worklist progress (view percent completed as work is performed, avatar of who completed task) |
ü | |
View & enter events |
ü | ü |
Make pen corrections |
ü | |
Enter embryo transfer events, selecting fresh and frozen embryos from inventory |
ü | |
Add embryos to fresh and frozen inventory |
ü |
ü |
Edit and delete embryos from inventory |
ü |

When the mobile app has an active WiFi or data connection, you can refresh your data. If you go outside of data range, the app will continue to work in offline mode. Once you are back in data range, you can refresh your data and view the latest updates.
See the topics below to learn more:

Dairy owners can easily keep a mobile device onsite for dairy workers to use during their shifts. Make sure to set up PULSE accounts for all workers who will need to use the mobile device (see Invite a User to Your Dairy), and then allow them each to log in to the DC on Mobile app on the mobile device. Once each user has logged in and set up their PIN, they can choose their user account from the app start-up screen and enter their PIN to use the app.

The My Dairies list is displayed when you first log in to the app, and you can return to it at any time. Tap on the More tab at the bottom right of the screen, and then tap Switch to Another Dairy .
If the My Dairies list does not appear to be up to date, swipe down from the top of the screen to reload the list.

You can switch to another dairy at any time. Tap on the More tab at the bottom right of the screen, and then tap Switch to Another Dairy .

To delete a dairy from your dairies list, swipe left on the dairy to remove and select Leave Dairy.

View the Transaction Log for a list of transactions you've complete in the app over the last 14 days. Tap on the More tab at the bottom right of the screen, and then tap Transaction Log to get started!
The Transaction Log records the following user actions:
- Adding an animal on the Animals tab
- Completing a task on the Tasks tab
- Completing an event on the Events tab