Step 4: Connect Integration in PULSE

Follow the steps below to activate the Zoetis Genomics Integration in PULSE:

  1. In PULSE, navigate to Partners > Integrations Gallery > Zoetis Genomics Integration.
  2. Click See Details or See Requirements on the Zoetis Genomics Integration card.
  3. Follow the Connection Instructions on the right side of the page to establish the connection:
    1. From the Animal Registration drop-down list, select the animal IDClosed Identifier type that you use.
    2. Select the genomic items you created or confirmed in Step 1: Create Genomic Items in DC305:
      • Sample Number Item: GSAMP
      • Sample Date Item: GSDAT
    3. Check the Update Pedigree based on genomic results box if you want to automatically update your animals' pedigrees based on the genomic results. If you check this box, the system will update your animals' parentage information if the existing data doesn't match the genomic results data.
    4. NOTE: If the tested animal's DREGClosed Dam USDA or REG number from the CDCBClosed Council of Dairy Cattle Breeding is a non-profit organization that calculates and manages genetic evaluations and genomic predictions for dairy cattle. does not match an existing DREG in PULSE, PULSE will search for an animal whose registration information matches the DREG from the CDCB. If a match is found, PULSE assigns the animal's ID to the DIDClosed Dam identifier. If no match is found, PULSE clears the DID for the tested animal.
    5. Click the Connection Status toggle and verify the status switches to Active.

      Connection Status: Active

    6. Click Save.
    7. If necessary, click Edit Integration to make any adjustments or edits and save your changes.

After you activate the integration, you can start collecting and adding genomic sample data.

If you plan to use Pocket CowCard to automatically enter your genomic sample data, proceed to Step 5: Set Up Your PCC Scanner. If you plan to manually enter sample data using DC305, PULSE, or the mobile app, see Add Zoetis Genomics Sample Data.

IMPORTANT: If your integration does not automatically connect, contact your Zoetis representative to connect the integration from their system.