View Zoetis Genomics Results
When Zoetis returns the samples, the system shows the genomic results in the Genomicstab in your animal's CowCard. The data is shown in two widgets in the Genomics tab: the Genomic Results widget, which shows Council for Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB Council of Dairy Cattle Breeding is a non-profit organization that calculates and manages genetic evaluations and genomic predictions for dairy cattle.) standard traits, and the Zoetis Genomic Results widget, which shows special genomic traits. Different traits are listed depending upon the tests you selected when you submitted the samples.
Genomic Parentage Definitions
- DREG Dam USDA or REG number: Dam USDA or REG Animal registration number number
- SREG: Sire USDA or REG number
Genomic Trait Definitions
- GNM$: Net Merit Dollars
- GCM$: Cheese Merit Dollars
- GPTAM: PTA Predicted Transmitting Ability Milk
- GFATP: Fat Percentage
- GPTAP: PTA Protein
- GPROP: Protein Percentage
- GSCS: Somatic Cell Score
- GPL: Productive Life
- GDPR: Daughter Pregnancy Rate
- GHCR: Heifer Conception Rate
- GCCR: Cow Conception Rate
- GSCE: Sire Calving Ease
- GDCE: Daughter Calving Ease
- EFINB: Expected Future Inbreeding
- GAH1: Haplotype AH1
- GAH2: Haplotype AH2
- GAHC: Haplotype AHC
- GBDE: Body Depth
- GBH2: Haplotype BH2
- GBHD: Haplotype BHD
- GBHM: Haplotype BHM
- GBHP: Haplotype BHP
- GBHW: Haplotype BHW
- GBPI: Holstein Performance Index
- GDAB: Displaced Abomasum Displaced abomasum in cattle occurs when the abomasum, also known as the true stomach, which typically resides on the floor of the abdomen, fills with gas and rises to the top of the abdomen, where it is said to be "displaced". Symptoms may include reduced appetite, lower milk yield, reduced rumination, and a distended abdomen.
- GDFM: Dairy Form
- GDSB: Daughter Stillbirth
- GEFC: Early First Calving
- GFINB: Genomic Future Inbreeding
- GFLS: Feet Legs Score
- GFM$: Fluid Merit Dollars
- GFS: Final Score
- GFTA: Foot Angle
- GFTP: Teat Placement (Front)
- GFUA: Fore Udder Attachment
- GGL: Gestation Length
- GGM$: Grazing Merit Dollars
- GHBR: Haplotype HBR
- GHCD: Cholesterol Deficiency
- GHDR: Haplotype HDR
- GHET: Heterosis
- GHH0: Haplotype HH0
- GHH1: Haplotype HH1
- GHH2: Haplotype HH2
- GHH3: Haplotype HH3
- GHH4: Haplotype HH4
- GHH5: Haplotype HH5
- GHH6: Haplotype HH6
- GHHB: Haplotype HHB
- GHHC: Haplotype HHC
- GHHD: Haplotype HHD
- GHHM: Haplotype HHM
- GHHP: Haplotype HHP
- GHHR: Haplotype HHR
- GHLV: Heifer Livability
- GINB: Genomic Inbreeding
- GJH1: Haplotype JH1
- GJH1PC: Haplotype JH1 PC
- GJHP: Haplotype JHP
- GJHPPC: Haplotype JHP PC
- GJNS: Haplotype JNS
- GJNSPC: Haplotype JNS PC
- GKET: Ketosis Ketosis is a common ailment that usually occurs in early lactation, when the energy demands of milk production are very high and the cow metabolizes fat stores for energy. Symptoms of ketosis may include reduced milk yield, weight loss, reduced appetite, acetone smell of breath and/or milk, and fever.
- GLIV: Livability
- GMAS: Mastitis Mastitis is the persistent, inflammatory reaction of the udder tissue due to physical trauma or infection. Symptoms of mastitis include udder swelling, heat, hardness, redness, or pain. The milk may have a watery appearance, flakes, clots, or pus.
- GMET: Metritis Metritis is inflammation of the wall of the uterus, and usually occurs within days of calving. Symptoms of metritis are an enlarged uterus and a foul-smelling uterine discharge.
- GMFV: Milk Fever Milk fever is a disease characterized by reduced blood calcium levels. It occurs in early lactation, when demand for calcium for colostrum and milk production exceeds the cow's ability to mobilize calcium. "Fever" is a misnomer, as body temperature during the disease is generally not elevated. Milk fever symptoms include tremor in the muscles of the head and limbs until falling to a "sitting" position. Once down, cows may have a dry muzzle, staring eyes, cold legs and ears, constipation, and drowsiness.
- GMSP: Milking Speed
- GPTAT: Body Composite
- GRFI: Residual Feed Intake
- GRLR: Legs (Rear View)
- GRLS: Legs Score
- GRPA: Rump Angle
- GRPL: Retained Placenta Retained placenta is the failure to expel fetal membranes within 24 hours after parturition. The primary symptom of a retained placental is degenerating, discolored, and ultimately fetid membranes hanging from the vulva.
- GRTP: Teat Placement (Rear View)
- GRTS: Teat Placement (Side View)
- GRUH: Udder Height (Rear)
- GRUW: Udder Width (Rear)
- GSSB: Sire Still Birth
- GSTA: Stature
- GSTR: Strength
- GTLG: Teat Length
- GTRW: Thurl Width
- GUCL: Udder Cleft
- GUDP: Udder Depth
- GZLV: Calf Livability
- PINB: Pedigree Inbreeding
Zoetis Genomic Trait Definitions
- GNM$: Net Merit Dollars
- GCM$: Cheese Merit Dollars
- GPTAM: PTA for Milk
- GPTAF: PTA for Fat
- GFATP: Fat Percentage
- GPTAP: PTA for Protein
- GPROP: Protein Percentage
- GSCS: Somatic Cell Score
- GPL: Productive Life
- GDPR: Daughter Pregnancy Rate
- GHCR: Heifer Conception Rate
- GCCR: Cow Conception Rate
- GSCE: Sire Calving Ease
- GDCE: Daughter Calving Ease
- DWP$: Dairy Wellness Profit Index
- GA1C: Alpha Casein
- GBCA2: Beta Casein 2
- GBLAD: Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency
- GBLCT: Lactoglobulin
- GBSI: Brown Swiss Index
- GBY: Brachy
- GCIT: Citrullinemia
- GCPI: Guernsey Cow Performance Index
- GCW$: Calf Wellness Index
- GDRED: Dominant Red
- GDUMP: Deficiency of Uderine Monophosphate Synthase
- GFACT: Factor XI
- GHCD: Cholesterol Deficiency
- GJPI: Jersey Performance Index
- GKK: Kappa Casein
- GMULE: Mulefoot
- GPOLL: Polled
- GRRED: Recessive Red
- GTPI: Total Performance Index
- GWT$: Wellness Trait Dollars
- GZABT: Cow Abortions
- GZBRD: Breed
- GZLV: Livability
- GZCRP: Calf Respiratory Disease
- GZCSR: Calf Scours Diarrhea in young animals. Scours causes dehydration in calves and is the leading cause of death in calves under one month of age.
- GZCST: Cystic Cystic ovaries are a reproductive disorder caused by an anovulatory condition in dairy cattle. Ovarian cysts are characterized by large (1 in./2.5 cm) follicles in the animal's ovaries that persist for more than 10 days. Cystic ovaries may lead to infertility or other reproductive issues. Ovary
- GZDA: Displaced Abomasum
- GZKET: Ketosis
- GZLAM: Lameness Lameness includes any abnormality which causes an animal to change the way it walks, and can be caused by a range of foot and leg conditions, including hoof ailments, hock damage, bruising, sores, or cuts.
- GZMAS: Mastitis
- GZMET: Metritis
- GZMFV: Milk Fever
- GZRP: Retained Placenta
- GZRSP: Cow Respiratory Disease
- GZTWN: Twinning Milk Fever