Allflex SCR Heatime CowCard Widgets
For the Partners tab to display heat and health data, DairyComp Unlimited dairies must first to activate the integration. See Activate Integration to learn more.
View the example below for help when viewing the Weighted Activity and Rumination Change, Rumination, and Activity widgets:
Partners Tab: To view the widget, select the Partner Name from the Partners tab on the animal's CowCard. |
The data shown in this graph is recorded by the neck sensor and sent to PULSE. |
Change Details: Hover over the graph data to view the numeric change in activity and rumination for any recorded date and time. |
Go to Dashboard Button: Click Go to dashboard widget to return to the Allflex SCR Heatime Partners tab in your Dairy Dashboard. |
Alerts: Hover over the Heat Alert or Health Alert icons to see when the last alert was recorded and the animal's Heat or Health index rating. Heat Alerts
A Heat Alert is triggered if the animal exhibits behavior that indicates it is in heat, like eating less and exhibiting more activity at the same time. Health Alerts
A Health Alert is triggered an animal displays abnormal health-related activity, according to Allflex SCR Heatime's index:
A few examples of abnormal activity may include:
Rumination: The Rumination graph shows the total minutes of rumination (marked in olive green ) and the change in rumination (marked in purple ), sorted by date and time. |
Rumination Details: Hover over the graph data to view the total minutes of rumination and the change in rumination for any recorded date and time. |
Activity: The Activity graph shows the total minutes of activity (marked in red ) and the change in activity (marked in green ), sorted by date and time. |
Activity Details: Hover over the graph data to view the total minutes of activity and the change in activity for any recorded date and time. |