Recipes List

The Recipes list allows you to see all of your dairy's recipes in one place. You can find this feature under the FeedComp menu.

As illustrated in the example here, the Recipes page is divided into Active Recipes and Other Recipes, based on whether a recipe is currently feeding any pens.

  • The Active Recipes section displays recipes that are feeding at least 1 pen.
  • The Other Recipes section displays all recipes that are not currently feeding any pens. This section includes premix recipes.
  • Each recipe is represented by a recipe card that summarizes its ingredients, cost, animals fed, and related pens. Click the Details link at the top right of any recipe card to view its Recipes List.
  • If an active recipe is replaced by an alternate, the recipe card will display the alternative recipe information.

Expand the sections below to learn more:

See Recipe Details and Adjustments for more information on specific recipes and making adjustments to ingredient mixing order or dry matter (DM) and as-fed (AF) quantities.