Performance Indicators
Only users who are assigned to a Role with Herd Configuration permissions can use this feature. See Edit Dairy User Permissions and Manage Dairy Roles for more information.
Performance Indicators in PULSE allow you to set alert thresholds for common health events that occur across your herd, send notifications to your dairy team when your herd exceeds those thresholds, and set the upper and lower limits used to track other KPIs Key Performance Indicators across your herd.
By tracking and examining health events for your herd, you can implement new strategies and protocols for avoiding or treating specific illnesses. Over time, you can lower treatment and production loss costs, and have fewer milk and beef withholds.
The Performance Indicators page contains two settings, and both must be configured before PULSE will track performance indicators and send notifications:
Use the Indicators page to view or adjust health and reproduction indicators for the animals in your herd.
PULSE supports various indicator types. Select an option to view or edit an indicator type.
Use the Alert Groups page to select the events you want PULSE to track and the team members you want to notify when your herd exceeds the alert thresholds.
See the topics below to learn more: