Learn More about Hospital Lists

Hospital Lists in the mobile app allow you treat animals on active protocols, view current milk or beef withholds, and add any new events as needed. Replacing what has historically been a paper list with an electronic one in the mobile app offers better safekeeping of your records, captures data for future analysis, and presents the opportunity to use scanners to speed up animal identification and treatment.

The mobile app delivers the same audible cues and sounds that many customers are familiar with from the PCCClosed Pocket CowCard product, which helps your veterinarian and dairy workers quickly identify the animals that require treatment.

Use PULSE or DC305Closed DairyComp 305 - VAS Dairy Management Software to create your hospital lists with a special type of LIST command. For DC305 lists, adding the \HK switch to the commands sends them to PULSE.

Most dairies schedule hospital lists to run daily to ensure treatment protocols are properly followed, as drugs are usually administered on a daily basis.

Prior to being able to generate hospital lists, your dairy must first go through the process of defining treatment protocols, hospital items, and pen types in PULSE or DC305. See Create Hospital Lists to learn more.

NOTE: All adjustments to your dairy's protocols must be made in DC305. Protocol details are viewable from the Protocols Settings page.

PULSE provides a default set of Hospital List event shortcuts and sound files. In the current PULSE release, you can customize up to 7 event shortcuts by using PULSE Settings page. Hospital list sounds are not currently customizable. See Configure PULSE Hospital Lists to learn more.

You can then process your lists in the mobile app and monitor them in the web version of PULSE. See the topics below to learn more:

See the following topics for additional help with PULSE Hospital Lists: