HerdVision CowCard Widget

PULSE displays locomotion and body condition score and alert data in the animal's CowCard on the Partners tab. Scores are available in the Measurements widget for each visit to the milking parlor for up to 180 days.

Follow the guidelines below when viewing the Measurements widget.

  1. Partners Tab: To view the widget, select your measurement integration company from the Partners tab on the animal's CowCard.
  2. View: Choose to view widget data for the last 7, 30, or 180 days.
  3. Detail: Hover over the graph data to view the measurement data at a specific date and time.
  4. Alerts: Hover over the alert icon to view score details. Contact HerdVision for more details on how their system scores body condition or locomotion.
  5. Measurements: The widget displays data from HerdVision. Check the boxes to select which data type displays.