PULSE Update - Winter 2023/2024
New Embryo Management enhancements and usability improvements!
PULSE embryo transfer activities are now easier to manage and include several enhancements to make embryo results more visible! Check out the latest improvements:
- Track your Transferred embryos and success rates on the new Results page! Use the summary at the top of the page for a quick, high-level view, or review more details in the list below. See Embryo Results to learn more!
- The new Import Embryos in Batch option allows you to add multiple embryos and completed transfers from a template file, saving you time and effort over adding embryos or TRANSFER events one at a time. See Import Embryos in Batch and Import Transferred Embryos to learn more!
- Check out the new options from the embryo side panel! You can now convert a fresh embryo to frozen or use the shortcut to transfer the embryo to a recipient animal. See Convert an Embryo from Fresh to Frozen and Transfer an Embryo from Inventory to learn more!
- You can now sort and filter your embryos when adding TRANSFER events from web and mobile!
See Add a TRANSFER Event to the Recipient Animal to learn more!
- Other usability improvements include options to print or export your embryo data from any page, as well as new filter options that help you quickly find specific embryos.
Filter and Search your Animals List!
Tap More at the bottom right of the app to access additional options in the mobile app.Use the new Filters options to search and control which animals display in your Animals List!
See View Animals List to learn more!