Make Pen Corrections (v1)
Sometimes animals accidentally end up in the wrong pen, and other times, animals are correctly placed into a new pen but their CowCard has not yet been updated to track the pen move. For these reasons, PULSE mobile app allows you to conveniently make pen corrections when processing animals in a worklist.
Before making a pen correction, it's important to understand the difference between an animal's assigned pen and its selected pen:
- Assigned Pen: The animal's current pen assignment on its CowCard.
- Selected Pen: The pen where the animal is physically located at this time.
When you scan an animal or perform a search in a worklist, the app checks the animal's assigned pen number against the pen you are currently processing for the list (i.e., the selected pen). If an animal's assigned pen number does not match the pen where the animal is physically located, the app plays an audible cue for "Wrong Pen" and prompts you to choose one of the following pen correction options:

Choose this option if the animal has somehow ended up in the wrong pen and should physically be placed back in the assigned pen on its CowCard.
If you choose this option for an animal that is needed in a simple to-do list, the app:
- Removes the animal from the pen list you are currently processing in your worklist.
- Sets the animal to done under its correct pen number in theworklist.
If you choose this option for an animal that is needed in a vet list:
- The app moves the animal to its assigned pen number when you set it to done.
- Note that the app does not automatically set the animal to done because it allows you to still select additional Events or save the animal as queued in case you need to take further action before setting the animal to done.
- If you save the animal as queued, you must set the animal to done before leaving the pen. If you attempt to leave the pen while one or more queued animals are assigned to a different pen, a warning message displays stating "Queued animals not in the pen will be lost." You can then choose to leave the pen (in which case any queued animals assigned to a different pen are removed from the queued section of the selected pen), or you can remain working in the pen and set those queued animals to done.
- When you set the animal to done, it is no longer listed under the current pen in your vet list. It is moved to the assigned pen number for this vet list under the DONE tab.
If you choose this option for an animal that is not needed in this list (i.e., you hear the "not needed" cue), the app takes no action because the animal has simply ended up in the wrong pen. Because it is not needed in your current worklist, the animal just needs to be physically moved back to its assigned pen, and no changes are required for the worklist nor for the animal's pen assignment in its CowCard.

Choose this option if the animal is physically located in the correct pen and its CowCard needs to be updated to show the correct assigned pen.
If you choose this option for an animal that is needed in a simple to-do list, the app:
- Processes a Move event for the animal, which updates the animal's pen number in its CowCard.
- Sets the animal to done in the selected pen you are currently processing for the worklist.
If you choose this option for an animal that is needed in a vet list:
- The app moves the animal to its selected pen number when you set it to done.
- Note that the app does not automatically set the animal to done because it allows you to still select additional Events or save the animal as queued in case you need to take further action before setting the animal to done.
- If you save the animal as queued, you must set the animal to done before leaving the pen. If you attempt to leave the pen while one or more queued animals are assigned to a different pen, a warning message displays stating "Queued animals not in the pen will be lost." You can then choose to leave the pen (in which case any queued animals assigned to a different pen are removed from the queued section of the selected pen), or you can remain working in the pen and set those queued animals to done.
- When you set the animal to done, the app formally moves it to the current pen number.
If you choose this option for an animal that is not needed in this list (i.e., you hear the "not needed" cue), the app logs a Move event for the animal, which instructs PULSE and DairyComp 305 to update the pen number on the animal's CowCard. The app makes no changes to the worklist because the animal is not needed for it.

Choose this option if you do not want the app to continue prompting you for pen corrections. When you choose this option, the app will no longer warn you when you scan an animal that is not assigned to the pen you are currently processing.
Anytime you navigate away back to the main worklist and then select another pen to begin processing, the pen correction prompt will start back up again. So if you have stopped the prompt for pen corrections and want to start receiving them again for the pen you are processing, simply return to the main worklist and reselect the pen to begin working on it again.