Message Center

The VAS PULSE Platform includes a Message Center to serve as a communication hub and provide an easily-accessible area to view important messages from the VAS PULSE Platform.

To view all messages, select Message Center from the User Menu in the top right corner of the page.

See the example and the explanations below for more information.


View: Use the View drop‑down option to filter the list and display only certain types of messages.


Unread messages: Unread messages display with a blue background.


Message link: Click the link to view the full message.


See more details: Click this option to view additional information related to the message in a new browser tab.


Mark as read checkbox:  Select the checkbox for any unread messages to use the MARK AS READ option.


MARK AS READ: Select this option to mark any checked messages as read.


Read messages: Previously viewed messages display with a white background.