Indicators Configuration Details
If the Weekly option is selected in the Period Preferences area, the weekly schedule is displayed in the side panel. If the Daily option is selected, the side panel shows the daily schedule instead.
While the daily schedule shows only three days instead of four weeks, the color coding is essentially the same as the weekly schedule.
Periods on the schedule are color-coded as follows:
- Dark blue shows the prior period that PULSE uses to determine thresholds for your herd.
- Light blue shows the period when PULSE last examined thresholds and sent alerts.
- Green shows the next day when PULSE will examine thresholds and send alerts.
For the weekly schedule, this means that PULSE examines thresholds and sends alerts on the day of the week you selected. In the example above, Wednesday (the day highlighted in green) is the one selected. If your herd exceeds an alert threshold value from the previous two periods (the previous week in dark blue and the last week in light blue), PULSE notifies your team on that Wednesday.
In the daily schedule, yesterday's date is highlighted in light blue, and this shows you the day when PULSE last examined thresholds and sent alerts. The previous day that PULSE uses to determine thresholds for your herd is highlighted in dark blue, and today's date is highlighted in green.
This means that PULSE examines thresholds today using the data from yesterday and the day before yesterday as a base. When the threshold examined today exceeds the alert threshold value entered for the threshold examined from the previous two days, PULSE notifies your dairy team.