View Animals List

The Animals page displays the animals in your herd by IDClosed Identifier number, along with numerous other columns of information about each animal.

You can find this feature under the DairyComp/MyDC > Animals menu.

Follow the guidelines below when viewing your animals and their details: 

  • Click Filters to search for specific animals or to limit the animals shown by pen, lactation, or reproductive code (RCClosed Reproductive code).
  • To view a summary of an animal, click on its ID to open a side panel without leaving the page.

NOTE: Remember that you can also search for a specific animal at any time using the Search for an Animal field at the top of the screen. See Find an Animal for more information.

In the side panel, you can use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to step through side panels for the next/previous animals in the list. To close the side panel, click the X button in the top-right corner or press the Esc key.

Expand the topic below to learn more about customizing the Animals page: