Mobile Apps
VAS currently supports two versions of the herd management mobile app to connect you to PULSE data. The latest version of the PULSE mobile app, DC on Mobile, is currently in user acceptance testing. Contact Us if you're interested in joining the testing efforts!
The original version of the PULSE mobile app, VAS Platform, remains available, but VAS plans to sunset it in most markets in 2025.

The VAS Platform mobile app (v1) was originally released in 2018 to connect VAS PULSE users to their herd while out on the farm. Since then, mobile technologies have come a long way, and we are preparing to bring you a more robust and powerful DC on Mobile (v2) app in 2024!
Major enhancements include the following:
- Significantly improved stability and reliability based on a new app framework and the latest cloud-based technologies. This translates to fewer crashes and better support for new feature development going forward!
- Streamlined connection and data exchange with PULSE speeds up herd refreshes and helps to ensure you always have the latest data on your device.
- Optimized user interface makes adding events and completing tasks more intuitive. We've also added a dark mode for improved contrast and less drain on your battery!
- Improved support for iOS devices.
- Improved scanning speeds make completing worklist tasks even faster.
Review the Minimum Requirements on the VAS website before installing the mobile app on iOS and Android devices.
Use the links below to access online help for your apps: